Proposed RH Bill: Not Just a "Right" but also a "Responsibility"

It is obvious that the most controversial issue between the conservative religious group and the liberals is the reproductive health bill. Based from historical facts, the latest generations showcased a higher percentage of sexual awareness and engagements over the older ones.  In effect, this has a major impact on the increasing number of STD (sexually transmitted diseases) all over the world. Furthermore, government officials came up with a lot of proposals to address this particular issue and so as to improve existing Reproductive Health Bill.

Basically, the main idea of RH Bill is to improve the lifestyle of people as well as their health through the use of contraceptive measures. This aims to control the increasing population growth, to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and to avoid the rapid growth of STD cases.

In our point of view, the lack of contraceptive measures wasn’t really the issue in here. Rather, we think that it was the lack of education and high unemployment rates were the real issue. The reproductive health bill would not really be significant if the people are well-educated and if they are properly employed.  According to surveys, most cases of unwanted pregnancies and STDs came from the people below the poverty line. This thing is not surprising at all since these people tend to sell their body to live and almost always the lackness of jobs gives them a lot of time to do sexual intercourse.  This is true all over the world. Clearly, this factor shows that there is a bigger issue to be solved.

The only reason why we should be positive about the RH Bill is the use of contraceptives like condoms to avoid STDs on mutually exclusive couples. We mean that when married couples can’t fight the urge to intercourse they may use condoms to avoid STD if the partner is infected. Even the pope, according to a source, agreed on the usage of condoms in such situation. But this way can be risky because it doesn’t really guarantee that when you use condom such disease won’t be transmitted. So the best prevention still to avoid such diseases is to be loyal on your partner by not having an affair to others than your partner. Definitely if you love your partner in life you won’t allow him or her to carry out such kind of disease, just like what the bible recommended.

                For the youth, always bear in mind that pre- marital sex is not advice and the best prevention is by giving yourself only after the wedding. Certainly by that time you are ready to be pregnant and you are sure that your partner doesn’t carry out such kind of disease since he/ she promised to God that he/she will love you the way they love him/her.  For this age when peer pressure is high, a high faith to God and proper education might help to avoid being dropped in the hole.

                We aren’t speaking against the government. We are just pointing out that there is a greater problem than this RH Bill issue that needed more action from the government.  And to end this article, we would like to say that if we not only believe in God but also follow his instructions found in the bible life would be easier, happier and healthier.  So we should remember always that “true love waits.”

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